PARAGON Spain Attack 2018
Here is a flyer for our Spain Shows which will take place next week! You are welcome to download the flyer and share it if you like to.
You can still get tickets to the shows here.
PARAGON signs new record deal with Massacre Records!
After our Show at the Bang Your Head in 2017, Thomas Hertler of Massacre Records came to us a offered us a new record contract. To be honest we were a little bit suprised because in this times, you only get signed when you play some shitty kind of Pussy Metal and / or have some ridiculous image. So we thought a little while about it and signed the contract a few weeks ago. We never were very lucky with record labels and most didn´t invest a lot in us, though our sales numbers always were ok. The more we are happy that Thomas and Massacre seem to be willing to invest money and energy into marketing and promotion for Paragon, something most labels we were on, never did. Anyhow, we hope to a successful partnership with the label and we are looking forward to work with them.
At present we are working on the last demos for the next album and hope to enter the studio in November / December of this year for a release in April/May 2019. The new songs sound very aggressive and for sure we put more focus on our Speed Metal roots than before. There will also be a release of a older album for the first time on vinyl, but more about that later!
New Recrod Company, New Album 2019, Spain Tour 2019
We didn´t post something in a long time, but not because we were sitting on our lazy asses doing nothing. No, there are a lot of news from the Paragon Crew. First we have signed a contract with a new label. Details about that will follow soon when it is announced officially.
Furthermore we are preparing our setlist for our first little tour in Spain which will start October the fourth. You will find the dates here.
And finally we spent a lot of time recording demos with our new songs and arranging all the stuff in our rehearsal room. More details about that also soon, but what we can tell now: This will be one of the heaviest Paragon albums ever!
Thank You Skull Crush III!!!
Yesterday at about 19:00 we finally arrived back home in our home Hamburg after a a 36 hour back and forth drive to the Skull Fest III in Colmar / France. We only slept about six hours, drove about 16 hours and were very tired and exhausted but very happy at the same time. we are almost doing this for 30 years now, and it showed us why we still like to do such adventures: Music keeps people alive, makes friendships, knows no boundaries, hate or animosities. There were people from France, Germany, Poland, Greece and even the UK. And all had a good time and enjoyed the evening. We met so many old and new friends and whish we had more time to talk to all of them a lot more.
For now we want to thank Rikki and Team Headbang for inviting us, the great crew at the Le Grillen especially Stephane Azam for the great sound, Tity and Fanny our beautiful merch girls, the Bands, Dexter Ward, Tantation, Crystal Viper and even they didn´t play Lonewolf, two great photographers Nikolas Bremm and Eric Munck and most of all you the fans who made this such a great evening. We will remember this show for a long time and hope it will not take so long before we come back to France again. Merci beaucup!
PS: And of course also a big „Salut“ to our brother Jens Börner. We hope you will have speedy recovery!!!
First show for 2018 in France!
Not too many days and we will finally return to France to play the mighty Skull Crush at the Le Grillen in Colmar. So if you still have no ticket so far get it now here because the place will be packed!
PARAGON Songwriting Updaten
Happy New Year everybody!
We are now in full songwriting mode, so not to many news except some show announcements and this here:
We just checked all the demos we have recorded until now and we are more than happy with the results so far. There are seven songs we already sent to Buschi so he can write his vocals and melody lines to as well as one more rough idea for something like „The Devil´s Waitingroom II“. If you want an idea what the stuff is like imagine a mix of our classic Heavy and US Metal influences like Judas Priest and Metal Church, mixed with our thrashier edge like Overkill and Exodus. This is real Power Metal like it used to be and not the whimpy keyboard infested Pop Music which is labeled as Metal these days. We are still working on more stuff right now and hope to have about 10-12 tunes ready in the first quarter of 2018. So stay tuned!!!