- News - - posted on 07/01/2018 by

PARAGON Songwriting Updaten

Happy New Year everybody!
We are now in full songwriting mode, so not to many news except some show announcements and this here:
We just checked all the demos we have recorded until now and we are more than happy with the results so far. There are seven songs we already sent to Buschi so he can write his vocals and melody lines to as well as one more rough idea for something like „The Devil´s Waitingroom II“. If you want an idea what the stuff is like imagine a mix of our classic Heavy and US Metal influences like Judas Priest and Metal Church, mixed with our thrashier edge like Overkill and Exodus. This is real Power Metal like it used to be and not the whimpy keyboard infested Pop Music which is labeled as Metal these days. We are still working on more stuff right now and hope to have about 10-12 tunes ready in the first quarter of 2018. So stay tuned!!!