Rerecording of „Hellgore“…

It has been a long time with no news. I guess most of you know the reason. We didn´t rehearse since the end of 2019 and played our last show on the 4th Of January 2020.
However, we didn´t just sat around and did nothing but more of this in the next days!
For the Japanese release Of „Controlled Demolition“ we rerecorded a new version of „Hellgore“ because it´s some kind of live standard but we are not very satsified with the version on „Screenslaves“. Unfrortunately the Japanese licensor of „Controlled Demolition“ pulled the plug at the last moment so there was no exclusive release in Japan and we didn´t use the song so far.
So when our good friend Christian Kind of the best record store Plattenkiste in Hamburg asked us for a song to make sure he will survive in this hard times we didn´t hesitate for a moment and gave him this unreleased version of „Hellgore“ for his three CD compilation. Other bands to appear are Velvet Viper, Mantar, Endseeker, Accuser, Black Hawk, Titan Steele, The Wizards, Night Demon etc.
You can order the three CD set which is limited to 200 pieces here.
You can also check out the Plattenkiste on Facebook here.