New Guitar Player Yuri Castro

OK guys – here we go:
The band news is, Günny Kruse will leave PARAGON because of personal reasons after our next show to put more focus on his private life and other musical projects. We wish him all the best for the future and separate on friendly terms and want to thank him for all the years we pounded Metal together!
The good news is, we already have a new second guitar player!
His name is Yuri Castro from Brazil and he used to play in ASENBLUT before he moved to Hamburg. He is the only guy who auditioned for the position and we already knew he is the right guy after our first rehearsal. His favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Rush and Deep Purple and he is a real shredder and his guitar playing is inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughn, Steve Morse, Eduardo Ardanuy and Frank Gamble. So give Yuri a big „Hello“!